The different world fantasy.
In the settings such as outlooks on the world and construction and clothes, ancient China is bases.
"[KIRIN]" is a holy living thing in the imagination in ancient China.
In this story, "[KIRIN]"is holy living thing's appearance, and person's appearance.
and "[KIRIN]" is a holy living thing, and he/she is a person who assists
in his/hers king (kingdom's system of governance).
Story introduction:
main character = Girl, YOHKO:
The Girl's hardship and story of growth that has become resident in the different world.
Because the girl was actually a person who had been thrown from "[12 kingdoms]"
to "[HOURAI]" due to the natural disaster that was called "[SHOKU]",
she was brought to "[12 kingdoms]" as a king for the next term by "[KIRIN]".
She has a hard time, she is exposed to the miserable situation, and the story to which she grows in stoutness.
Story and the world setting:
The different world is called "[12 kingdoms]".
-->the map of 12kingdoms
( in that "[12 kingdoms]", the different world is called "[HOURAI]", means "Japan".)
There is an individual king in "[12 kingdoms]", and "[KIRIN]" chooses the king.
In this world, the living thing is born from fruits of "Tree of the life".
King, "[KIRIN]", and the subordinate's government officials (also the employee who serves them)
are basically immortality and perennial youth.
Actuary for the people and literal existence on cloud.
By the existence of king, stability is brought.
The territory is steady, and the infestation of the natural damage (abnormal weather) and [YOUMA] is controlled.
Even if there is a king, the country of the king who became a tyrant is ruined.
([YOUMA] is a living thing like monster wild animals,in this story.)
When the king loses his mind and it becomes a tyrant and very bad system of governance continues,
"[Kirin]" becomes The Sickness unto Death, and "[Kirin]" dies.
(For instance, the king dies if assassinated by the subordinate's rebellion against the tyrant.
though they are basically immortality and perennial youth, they dies if the head and the body are separated.)
The king also dies if "[KIRIN]" dies.
When only the king dies, "[KIRIN]" survives and the following king is selected.
A new king is selected by the intuition of "[KIRIN]". The king is a common man till then.